I specialize in bringing a trauma-aware approach to auditing and the training process of auditors.

Virtual Auditor Trainings

  • Considering the global nature of auditing, some trainings may be facilitated online

  • Establish the foundational understanding of a trauma-informed approach to auditing

Equine-partnered Auditor Trainings

Equine facilitated learning and development is a process of experiential learning, facilitated on the ground in partnership and presence with horses, for the purpose of personal development, refining authentic leadership skills, exploring emotional awareness, and cultivating resilience of spirit and being.

  • Each time an auditor steps onto a farm or processing site, they are engaging with vulnerable populations of workers. During a social compliance audit, their ability to conduct more thoughtful, efficient and productive audits is enhanced when they arrive with:

    o an awareness of how to read others’ and manage their own non-verbal communication and body language,

    o skills attuned for observation and listening, and

    o the capacity to take a trauma-informed approach when communicating and interacting with management and the workforce at large.

  • Due to their highly sensitive nature and heavy reliance on non-verbal communication, horses are an ideal training partner as we work with auditors to enhance their softer skills. Authentic connection and engagement with horses requires a high level of self-awareness, presence, and a grounded, empathetic approach.

    Additionally, horses are prey animals, and humans are predators. Deepening an understanding of the coping mechanisms and stress responses of horses that have experienced abuse, trauma and/or “dominance over”, and how we can approach them with this awareness, provides auditors with a wider perspective of how to bring a trauma-informed approach when communicating and engaging with workers who might have experienced (or be experiencing) abuse, trauma or some type of exploitation.

These onsite trainings provide auditors a safe and enriching environment for learning, sharing and growing together through experiential learning